#NPChat: LinkedIn for Nonprofits

Does LinkedIn still matter? Do nonprofits need to be present there?

Last fall, I wrote a post on GiveWP.com called “LinkedIn 101 For Nonprofits – Leveraging Your Professional Network” as part of my Nonprofit 101 series.

The truth is LinkedIn the most stable and professional of the social networks. The culture of LinkedIn allows and encourages self-promotion (like listing your projects, degrees, and certificates).

Users are encouraged to follow companies, professionals should list their volunteer experience, and Company Pages can post updates to engage their audience.

All of this is a plus in the column for nonprofits to leverage LinkedIn. So, let’s talk about it in #NPChat this week.

Why Join a Twitter Chat?

Twitter chats are a great way to connect with like-minded professionals who are engaged users on Twitter. This elevates your brand, gives you visibility, and positions yourself as an expert on the topic and in the field.

Who doesn’t want to connect with your community? Who doesn’t need help every once in a while?

Joining our weekly Twitter Chat may just be the right thing for you. And, who knows, you may even have a few tweets featured in our recap!

#NPChat takes place every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

How to Join a Twitter Chat

  1. Follow the hashtag on Twitter (but don’t forget to add #NPChat manually after your tweet or we won’t see your tweet, especially in a comment retweet).
  2. Use Hootsuite or TweetDeck and make a column for #NPChat (but don’t forget to put #NPChat manually after your tweet).
  3. Go to the Twubs page for #NPChat.
  4. My preferred method is using TweetChat. Just go here and login with your Twitter account. You can even highlight the moderator so you don’t miss questions.

LinkedIn for Nonprofits: The Questions

This week’s chat topic is about LinkedIn. Worth mentioning also is LinkedIn’s nonprofit resource landing page here. That’s something you’ll want to read in addition to what will be offered during the chat.

Q1. How are you currently involved with a nonprofit?

Q2. Do you have a LinkedIn profile?

Q3. As a user, how do you interact with Company Pages?

Q4. Do you follow any nonprofits on LinkedIn?

Q5. Does your nonprofit have a Company Page?

Q6. What do you post on your Company Page?

Q7. What are your LinkedIn tips and tricks?

See you Wednesday, April 26, 2017, at 10:00 am Pacific Time on Twitter. Invite your friends.