Tag: nonprofits

  • #NPChat: LinkedIn for Nonprofits

    Does LinkedIn still matter? Do nonprofits need to be present there? Last fall, I wrote a post on GiveWP.com called “LinkedIn 101 For Nonprofits – Leveraging Your Professional Network” as part of my Nonprofit 101 series. The truth is LinkedIn the most stable and professional of the social networks. The culture of LinkedIn allows and encourages…

  • The Best SEO Advice for Nonprofits — #NPChat Recap 4/19/17

    What’s the best SEO advice for nonprofits? Do nonprofits even need SEO? Yes. Nonprofits should care about SEO. Essentially online donations are e-commerce, so best practices apply to nonprofits. Why should Nonprofits Care about SEO? Donation sites are e-commerce. They need to be treated in the same way. You wouldn’t put an online store up…

  • #NPChat: SEO for Nonprofits

    Do nonprofits need to bother with SEO? Why does it even matter? They’re just collecting donations, right? Or are they? SEO isn’t black magic or wizardry. It’s really just intentional writing for your audience. It means being found. It means writing quality content that solves problems for your customers. For nonprofits, SEO means answering the…