How Do I Post The Same Content Across Platforms?

Instead of posting the exact same content, try varying the image and copy to speak to the platform’s audience best.

One of the best examples, brings me back to my childhood. If you’re old enough to remember the Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters show from 1980, you’ll know what I’m referring to. Otherwise, Google it.

Barbara and her two sisters would do musical numbers and their costumes for each set were similar enough to look coordinated but customized enough for the body type and personality of the wearer. Kudos to the costume designer.

Opening number shows my point exactly.

Take several photos from different angles, use them in collages, add text, embellish according to the platform.

This is how we should approach sharing similar (not the same) content on social media.

But I also refer you to this:

“”  by Gary Vaynerchuk on Inc Magazine

Write For the Platform, Not Your Convenience

Every platform has a distinct culture. Write your post for that. If you crosspost, you run into quite a few dangers.

Here’s an example of how I posted on Instagram, Twitter, and our Facebook Page photos from a 1989 project. One is a simple tweet, one is a cover of the magazine, and the Facebook Page post is similar to Twitter but without hashtags.

They’re similar, but not the same.

Watch the Video

See the rest of the Guru Minute videos here.

5 responses to “How Do I Post The Same Content Across Platforms?”

  1. Dear Bridget,

    This is an absolutely wonderful new post.  One of my personal favorites.  I am just learning these different sites and I so want to reciprocate by re-tweeting this??? Can I do that?  I hope that you do not confuse my lack of re-tweets for being inhospitable…more like unsure, confused.

    Thank you for understanding.

    I’m trying.


    Murnez Blades Book:   Medical Spanish Mix and Match CD: Spanish for Fun and Forever Camino Español YouTube:  Murnez Blades  


  2. You are hysterical girl! I agree – so many people auto post but not me! Everything is hand placed because what may be good for Facebook that day may be inappropriate for Twitter. You’re awesome by the way! xo