From time to time, a case study becomes a good way to reflect on results for both you and your current and potential clients. This is my first for one of my very good friends and I’m proud that she’s also a client.
The Client
I met Jocelyn Mozak of Mozak Design at WordCamp Seattle last year. Her Portland, Oregon based business is going well and she often presents and coaches on systems and processes that help other businesses. However, she wanted to build up her brand awareness about her coaching program and training for speakers and wasn’t sure how that could happen with Twitter.
The Challenge
Jocelyn was all-in on Facebook. That’s where her tribe was. That’s where her clients were. That’s all she focused upon. But after sitting down at an impromptu lesson I gave to Robby of Beaver Builder at WordCamp Seattle 2018, she was in.
Getting schooled on Twitter from the master, @YouTooCanBeGuru. #WCSEA
— Beaver Builder (@BeaverBuilder) November 10, 2018
I could sense her excitement and that was contagious.
She DMd me. I invoiced her. Caldendly appointments were made. Once the Zoom call began, I had a chance to change her mind about Twitter. People who know me know how much I believe in it as a tool.
The Consultation
The first call was the test. Test of the coach on the consultant. Could her audience really be elsewhere except her beloved Facebook? How could she connect with people who might like her coaching services? Once I began to teach her about lists, however; I think she saw the way she could grow her influence.
One of the things I enjoy (I know, it’s supposed to be about the client) is that during a consultation I can give specific rather than generic examples. So, for this call, I suggested that she create a list of WordCamp speakers starting with those slated to speak at WCUS. This allows her to spend time engaging with her peers in the speaking world and continue to build those lists. Since she is an avid speaker at a variety of conferences, the light bulb went on and she went to work.
Look at those lists!After that, we briefly discussed hashtags and their purpose as well. I’ve personally seen her engage more on Twitter in our circle of friends and watch people tag her to get their attention.
The Second Call
Okay, Bridget. If you can do that for Twitter, what about LinkedIn. (Quote for dramatization).
Yep. We set up another call over Zoom (she likes to record them) and we went through specific use cases on why she should be there.
Who is her audience? Women leveling up their careers and speaking engagements.
Where do those people spend their time? LinkedIn.
It made perfect sense.
The Results
I’m stoked with the results. I knew Jocelyn was sitting on a gold mine.
Jocelyn tweeted only 17 times in October with 1,880 impressions. In November that number went up to 220 with 40,200 impressions. December was 276 tweets and 48,300 impressions. I’d say those are impressive results.
After Jocelyn put our plan into action for LinkedIn, the more professional network, she’s had a 60% increase in profile visits.
Look at that increase!Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the ultimate in metrics. The whole point of social media is to build brand awareness so that people will visit your site. I love that her traffic has dramatically increased from Twitter (54%) and LinkedIn (2000%).
Love the green numbers!The ultimate result, to me as a consultant and teacher, is her newfound excitement for platforms that can help her build her own coaching business to a new level.
Bridget’s Twitter coaching has been transformational. I used to use Facebook exclusively and avoided Twitter at all cost. After a single session with Bridget I understood exactly how to wrangle Twitter and make it work for my business. Now Twitter is a key part of my social media marketing. I’m building relationships and growing my online visibility. I even, I dare say, prefer it to Facebook somedays!
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