Who has time to write blog posts for your already-busy business? You do have time. If you don’t, then you should outsource but that’s another blog post. That said, scheduling your time is a good way to ensure it gets done.
You have a business. It has a website. You know you need to publish articles for your blog but you don’t. Why? Usually, it is because of a lack of time management or reluctance to delegate or outsource. Let’s talk about the former.
Bonus: Video on Time Blocking
Your Business Matters: Set Aside Time
You make time for your clients. Why? Because they bring in money. Why don’t you make time for your own marketing?
I was just on the phone with a client who confessed he needs to blog more often. (I know “blog” is a part of a website, but we use it as a verb, so excuse the colloquialism.) I simply told him to block out two hours every week. Write until the time is up and publish or not. Then next week, go back to those drafts and keep writing.
Not everything needs to be 1200 words. It’s not a college thesis. We’re trying to help your customers with their common questions, give them reasons to value your work, and remind people that you’re still in business.
How do you prioritize publishing for your business?
Well, it’s as easy as everything else: make an appointment. We block out time for clients, why not for our own businesses?
And as I said it to him, I realized that Friday afternoons are a perfect time for me to do the same.
What did I do? I immediately made a weekly event in my Google Calendar to publish on my own site.
Where do I get blogging ideas?
You have ideas. Everyone does. No one knows your business better than you do. If you need blogging prompts, you can buy my eBook, “If You Don’t Mind Your Business, Who Will?” or download my free WordPress Plugin called Launch With Words.
What do you find yourself repeating the most? Most of the time good ideas come from client questions and pain points. The issue is recording your ideas and then following up. Ideas without execution are useless.
There are a couple of ways to go about this. One is to make a braindump file where you write ideas. This can be a paper notebook or a Google Doc. I have a blog draft folder in my Google Drive. When I feel like I have no ideas, they’re all waiting for me there.
If you’re a project management type person, you could also make a board on Trello or Asana.
When are you going to start?
My favorite Chinese proverb says this:
“The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”
Why wait. Make an appointment. Start writing. And treat your business with the priority it deserves.
to help get your blog and social coordinated.