Is Your Site Ready for Social Sharing?

As a social media manager, I come across a lot of websites. Most of them, sadly, aren’t ready for social sharing. Let’s get yours ready with this quick tutorial.

Why Should My Website Be Sharable?

Ideally, you’re publishing on your website so people will know more about you, your product, and/or your services. Small businesses can leverage social media to level the playing field.

When your site is shared on social (because it will be) will it look like a blank gray box or will it be some lame default image?

Every social share is a first impression.

Set Up For Social Success

Proper social setup is important on blog posts, yes. It’s also important on custom post types and pages. Yes, and pages.

Even if you use a tool like like I do,  you still need to set the page up with a title, keyword, meta description, and featured image.

Facebook’s Open Graph is the Google of the social networks. Make sure you have a 155 character description for your metadata (or excerpt) and a featured image that is 1200 x 628 pixels. If you ever plan to boost the post, make sure that the image doesn’t have more than 20% of the area covered in text. You can use their text overlay tool to check.

How Do I Make My Website Sharable?

You can watch the tutorial on YouTube here. (It’s embedded below, as well).

Tools You Need

iThemes Training Webinar

You can watch the hour iThemes Training Webinar here.


As always, I’d love to help you in your social media journey. Shoot me a comment and let me know how I can help you.