How to Market Your Plugin
This book was released on Amazon in March of 2021. It is a guide for those who build plugins in the WordPress ecosystem. Since Bridget Willard has uniquely positioned herself as a marketer of WordPress plugins since 2015, she’s the perfect person to write this book.
The Only Online Marketing Book You Need For Your Small Business
This is a series of books that I’ve written and updated with Warren Laine-Naida. They include three audiences: small businesses, nonprofits, and schools.
Definitive Guide to Twitter Marketing (I double-dog dare you to try it.)
This marketplace is full of fluff marketing books that promise success in three easy steps. Or they are full of platitudes that make you feel excited to start but have no actionable content. I’m pretty famous (or infamous) for advice that actually works. That’s my NO B.S. Promise.
There is no easy way to gain 10,000 followers. You can do it if you are willing to put in the work and spend the time. If you’re willing to read this book (which will take less than an hour), and implement the tactics for a month, my bet is that you will see the results you’ve been looking for.
I double-dog dare you.
Keys to Being Social: Being Real in a Virtual World
You’re a small business owner or you’re thinking about starting one. Maybe you’re a life coach or a web developer. You may just feel frustrated with your Pampered Chef party results.
There are hundreds of books that you can buy which will promise you the gold at the end of the rainbow. This book is different.
There are two things required of you to be successful online: a correct mindset and the willingness to do the work. Effective use of social media is more about mindset than tactics. Marketers talk about strategy and tactics. They’re not wrong. I’m also a marketer. But that is sometimes overwhelming to creators like yourself.
Let’s look at behavior instead. What do you want people to do? What is your goal? Do you want them to like your brand? Do you want to sell them your thing? Your service? If your mindset isn’t right, social media won’t work. It’s that simple. This book teaches you the qualities and benefits of a social mindset.
You’ll gain the mentality for your small business to succeed on social media by being a real person. It is this mindset that has afforded my clients — franchises, software companies, contractors — success on social for over ten years! You can do it, too.
Dysfunctional Love Songs
Have you ever heard yourself singing a song and then had an epiphany? “Wow! This song is dysfunctional.” Why are we listening to these songs?
Instead of lamenting over past relationships, why not laugh a little and grow a little?We love songs because the songwriter puts words to our emotions. Sometimes, those words affect us in the wrong way — especially if we have experienced trauma. Let’s help each other heal.
Each chapter will start with a song lyric. I take that lyric and speak to the writer as if she was my best friend. “Girl, you got to get out.” And please hear me. This isn’t about gender. It isn’t about sexual orientation. It’s about freedom. After you have laughed and cried and poured another glass of wine, I’d like you to pause. You can do this in a pair, small group, or alone.
Each chapter will be followed by an affirmation. This is your assignment. Take out a notebook and write the affirmation in your own hand. Look at the words you wrote in your own handwriting. The next assignment is to speak the affirmation out loud. Sound is power. Hear your own voice. Fill your mind with the sound of you speaking your power. Y
ou are worth it. You deserve it. You are lovable. You are beautiful. I want to laugh with you. Healing comes from laughter. Hope comes from healing. Power comes from hope. Freedom is the result. Laugh. Heal. Hope.
This book is dedicated to you. I hope you laugh. I hope you start writing. I hope you start healing.